History, Language & Culture Moldova

History, Language & Culture Moldova

Among the nations of the CIS Moldova is the second smallest country in the world. After Armenia In history Moldova is a small state Located between the river Prut and the Niester River. Known at that time, Bessarabia (Bessarabia) was once under Romanian rule. It was later invaded and the territory changed frequently. Until the end of the second world war This state was then annexed into the Soviet Union.


In the middle ages Much of Moldova's territory is now merged with Romania and Ukraine. It was under the rule of Hungary and Lithuania. In the 16th century, it was ruled by Turkey. And was merged with the Russian Empire in the year 1812, however, after being defeated in the Crimean War. The Russian Empire lost part of Moldova. (South of Bessarebia) to Romania, but has returned again. During the Berlin Congress in 1878, the Russian Empire later lost Bessarebia to Romania again in 1918, and in 1924 the Soviet Union was formed. The Socialist Soviet Autonomous Republic of Malta Up east of the Niester River. (Most of the population is ethnic Ukrainian) and does not accept Romania's claims over Bessarebia. After signing Molotov-Ribbentrop Contract CovenantIn 1939, the Soviet Union regained Bessarebic territory and merged it with the Socialist Autonomous Republic of Moldavia in 1940 and lost most of Moldova's territory to Romania. When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, except the east side of the Neister River. The Trans Nistria region, between the Niesters and the Bug rivers, was occupied by Romanian military forces that were extremely cruel to the natives. While Jews and Gypsies were exempt, however, when World War II was over. Moldova was again under Soviet occupation in August 1944.


Moldova's present border was established in 1947 when the Socialist Republic of Moldavia was re-established. And Romania officially gave Moldova to the Soviet Union, so Soviet rule was restored. And the Republic of Moldova entered the process. Pranks to russian (Russiafication) rigorously made during it Moldova was categorically separated from Romanian rule. It is also encouraging Ukrainian and Russian immigrants to settle in Moldova. Especially in the Trans Nistria industrial area.


The Russianization policy in Moldova was intense throughout the post-World War II period and began to fade away when the Soviet Union adopted the Glasnost policy in late 1986 and continued. In 1989, Moldova's independence and reform process became clearer. The most tangible result was that the Soviet government had to allow Moldovan, the official language instead of Russian.


After Mr. Mircea Druc, economist Appointed as prime minister In May 1990, Druc initiated a plan for economic and political reform. It was not until June 1990 that the Moldovan Parliament voted to declare independence and constitutional draft. Moldova finally declared its independence from the Soviet Union on 27 August 1991, and urged Russia to withdraw its troops from Moldova and form the Moldovan National Armed Forces. Replace


Official language Moldovan (Moldovan language: same as Romanian In the Italic Romance family), Russian languages and gagauz (Turkish dialect).

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