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Find Binter Canarias flight deals and all you need to know about flying Binter Canarias.

Binter Canarias information

TraveliGo to help you find the best prices on flights and plane tickets of the airline's Binter Canarias. Ltd., just enter your city name or airport of departure and destination airport or city name. From a search engine on the web, TraveliGo system will search for and display flights at the best price in the airline's Binter Canarias with the flight path of the airport. The flights are direct flights more convenient for you. By filtering information such as price, time, and allows you to find flights, according to your needs by quickly TraveliGo you to purchase tickets. the aircraft immediately Quick and easy Without going through the website of the airline or airline ticket sales agent of your choice. Secure online payment system that has an SSL certificate from Geotrust along with promotions for both domestic and international flights. Great deals on flights and discounted many

Binter Canarias facility and service

1. The services on aircraft

- the magazine on the plane. A variety of interesting stories were collected in-flight magazine. So that passengers can enjoy reading stories on the go. It makes absolutely no boring trip

2. The other airline services including air freight. Book flights to groups of 10 or more

The airline's Binter Canarias, a regional airline in Spain. Offers flights to destinations in Spain and internationally. Facilities include a magazine on the plane so that passengers can enjoy the interesting stories in magazines throughout the trip. So do not feel tired during the trip. The airline will then serve passengers. Book flights to serve groups of 10 or more people and freight by air, too

Binter Canarias routes

Portugal and Senegal etc.\n\nTraveliGo a flight of this airline in all directions. To buy a ticket, airline Binter Canarias in the best according to your needs. We can use the web to find the best price and buy the ticket directly"}" style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, Arial;">Routes of the airline's Binter Canarias has flights between the countries. International flights include Morocco Gambia Gabu Good Way a. > Portugal and Senegal etc.

TraveliGo a flight of this airline in all directions. To buy a ticket, airline Binter Canarias in the best according to your needs. We can use the web to find the best price and buy the ticket directly

Binter Canarias Baggage weight

The airline's Binter Canarias the weight of baggage each category are as follows

-all types
Baggage allowance under the Motor : 23 kg.

the weight of baggage hold up to 6 kg with dimensions not exceeding 25 cm. X 35 cm. X 45 cm.

Let's get to know before flying with Binter Canarias

The airline's Binter Canarias code is NT Airlines is a regional airline in Spain. With headquarters in the city Telde in Gran Canaria's a hub at the airport, Gran Canaria's airport La Palma and Tenerife North Airport passengers can fly directly to the two destinations on. Cape Verde without stopover

Why should I book Binter Canarias flights with TraveliGo?

Since our system is directly connected to Binter Canarias, therefore, all flight promotions from Binter Canarias will be available in TraveliGo in the same way. TraveliGo has many payment methods with no hidden fees. So you get the cheapest Binter Canarias flight tickets.

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

? TripAdvisor 2019
Traveler type

Latest reviews from TripAdvisor

Date of travel November 2024
“Stranded in Africa and left to get on with it”

We were on the runway in Nouakchott waiting to leave on Thursday 7th and the aeroplane broke down. I appreciate that this can't be helped. However, what happened next was unbelievable. By the time... more +

Date of travel March 2024
“Best airline between Madrid and Tenerife especially for those over 6ft.”

I know i am going to sound like a homer but i have not had this level of service from an airline since i worked for the airlines in the 90s. it was outstanding and there is not enough good things to... more +

Date of travel February 2024
“Great but (WTF?) Crew not allowed to receive tips?!”

I am used to several airlines in the world, but mostly to german ones. Since i am now loving on the canary islands, this was my first trip by Binter. Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Jerez and the same... more +

Contact Binter Canarias
airline logo


902 391 392




(LPA) Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria

Autopista GC-1, s/n, 35230

Las Palmas de Gran

Canaria,Las Palmas


ReviewAirlineBinter Canarias
TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
4.0 rating

Based on 1,320 traveler reviews

Rate of providers based on user feedback, price reliability, fees, customer service, and the ease of use of the provider's website.

How to Book Tickets Online

To book Binter Canarias ticket online, do as follows

  1. Select route in the search box.
  2. Select fare.
  3. Fill in passenger's requested information.
  4. Select payment method.
  5. Finish transaction and Binter Canarias e-ticket will be sent to your email.